I. The Annunciation
IV. The Presentation
X. The Crucifixion
XI. The Resurrection
XII. The Ascension
XIII. The Descent of the Holy Spirit

(Thanks to Marika Fischer Hoyt for the photos.)
In Boston, the recital will double as a demonstration recital for luthiers displaying their work at the BEMF Exhibition. Edith has been working in advance with instruments by four of the luthiers—Warren Ellison, Gabriela Guadalajara, Timothy Johnson, and Daniel Larson—and is looking forward to meeting more makers and their instruments in the next few days!
Chappy will also be doing an instrument demonstration of sorts: his instrument in Boston will be a new continuo organ by A. David Moore of Vermont (Moore, however, is not exhibiting at BEMF).
This was our first time performing a full recital with our colleague and friend Philip Spray on violone. What fun to play "The Ascension" at last with the proper instrument for the violone solo marked in the "Aria Tubicinum"!
We leave tomorrow for Boston and will keep you updated throughout the week. If you'll be at BEMF, we hope to see you at our recital: Friday, June 14, at 9:00 a.m. at First Lutheran Church.
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