
Edith Hines, violin † John Chappell Stowe, organ and harpsichord


Ensemble SDG, a violin and keyboard duo formed in 2009,

performs music spanning the entire Baroque period, with a

particular focus on the works of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Biber in Milwaukee...and beyond

On Saturday, December 8, we performed H. I. F. Biber’s “Annunciation” partita in the Advent-themed concert Rejoice! by Milwaukee’s Ensemble Musical Offering.  Our friend and colleague Phil Spray joined us on violone, which was a real treat, since there have been few opportunities for the three of us to play together.  However, we hope that will change in the near future.  Looking ahead to the Boston Early Music Festival in June 2013, if the Lord wills that the arrangements work out, we expect to collaborate with Phil once again for a pair of Fringe Concerts with the theme “Biber’s Life of Christ,” in which we will perform thirteen of the fifteen partitas on the Mysteries of the Rosary.