
Edith Hines, violin † John Chappell Stowe, organ and harpsichord


Ensemble SDG, a violin and keyboard duo formed in 2009,

performs music spanning the entire Baroque period, with a

particular focus on the works of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Monday, April 17, 2017

J.S. Bach Works for Violin and Keyboard: Program Notes

We are pleased to announce that the Program Notes for our recording of J.S. Bach's known works for violin and keyboard are available through our DOWNLOADS page. You may choose either the CD Booklet format or the Document format. This is available to you free of charge.

The Program Notes include background information on Bach's relationship with violin-playing of the early eighteenth century and on many of our interpretative choices for the recording. As far as we can determine this is the first recording of these works that includes performances of both BWV 1019a and 1018a with organ, and we believe it reasonable that this could have been the original intention for these early versions. This recording is unique in that we have recorded Bach's re-arrangement of lutenist Silvius Leopold Weiss's Suite in A major on Lautenwerk with violin, a very likely performance possibility in Bach's time. What is more, our recording includes a performance of the Sonata in E minor, BWV 1023 with an organ in mean-tone temperament with sub-semitones—again a real possibility for performance during one of JSB's many trips to Dresden before 1737. Your comments and questions are welcome, but above all our performances are for your enjoyment.

We continue to investigate these issues further. Should you have deeper inquiries about the paths taken to reach our conclusions, feel free to contact me and I'm sure that I will learn a great deal from our conversation.

John Chappell Stowe

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